Hi this is going to be a more fleshed-out page in the future, but until then I still wanted to provide a hub of things that I like and want to share with everyone.
Before you scroll any further, please know this: I have since lost the credit for the creator of my homepage's layout, and I'd appreciate your help in tracking it down!
If anyone looking at this page as seen it anywhere, please let me know so that I can properly credit the original creator!
Personal use
Site credits
- Graphics credits
- Unsplash - A source for free-to-use images (but please still check the permissions given by each photographer!)
- DooDad: Dither Me This - Reduces the file size of your images "in an old school way"
- GifCities - An archive of gifs splintered off from the Internet Archive
- Websets by Lynn: Backgrounds - Repeating backgrounds
- Bettys Graphics - Repeating backgrounds
- Internet Bee: Patterns - Repeating backgrounds
- Hekate - Archive of repeating backgrounds, background generator, 88x31 button maker, quizzes
- Comments Live: My Blinkie - Online blinkie generator
- Blinkies Cafe - Blinkie generator + archive
- Cyber Dabamos: 88x31 Collection - Archive of 88x31 buttons
- Fluff Moth: Identity Buttons - Tiny identity buttons (meant for Flight Rising users, but can be used off-site as well!)
- Cinnabar Rain: Pride Buttons - Collection of Pride-themed 88x31 and 80x15 buttons
- Pixel Safari - All kinds of favicons, dividers, stamps, blinkies, buttons, and more!
- Mabs Land: Adopt-a-Censorship Panda - Censorship labels for webpages
- Twitter: KanKun_Sorayan - All of the graphics I have on my page of Osaka International Airport's plane mascot, Sorayan
Applicable specific graphics on my page are linked to their source, if I was able to find the source, that is. I'm hoping I can find all the sources for the graphics I use on my website in due time!
- Hardware
- Personal desktop computer build
- Canada Computers custom build PC
- Windows 10
- Intel Core i5-9400F CPU @ 2.90GHz
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660
- 16.0 GB RAM
- 64-bit OS, x64-based processor
- BenQ GW2480 monitor
- Laptop build
- Asus Vivobook 16
- Windows 11
- AMD Ryzen 5 5600H
- Radeon Graphics
- Other hardware
- iPad: 9th generation + Apple Pencil
- Drawing tablet: XP Pen Pro 11.6"
- Software
- VSCodium - Free open source software binaries of coding client VS Code (except with no trackers!)
- Notepad++ - Free source code editor and Notepad replacement with multiple language supports
- Clip Studio Paint - Highly robust digital art program and app. Can't say I recommend it anymore though with version 2's subscription fee
- Procreate - Art application for iOS
- Internet Archive: MS Paint Windows Vista - A download link to the Windows Vista version of MS Paint!
- Sony Vegas Pro - Video editing software. I currently use version 14, which has since become very outdated, but still works fine
- Open Broadcaster Software - Open source video recorder and live streaming software
- Deluge - Free, lightweight, cross-platform BitTorrent client
- VideoLan: VLC Media Player - Free and open source cross-platform multimedia player for many files, DVDs, CDs, VCDs, and other protocols
- SoulSeek - Ad-free, spyware-free file sharing network for Windows, Mac and Linux.
- Samsung: Smart Switch - Moves data between Samsung phones and tablets
- TextHelp: Read & Write - Provides many features in helping disabled people with reading and typing. Unfortunately not at all a free product.
- Tobii Dynavox: TD Snap - Flexible and robust AAC app for iOS, but unfortunately not free in the slightest. Also comes with a Windows version that is more money for some reason?
- CoughDrop AAC - Another robust AAC app, available for iOS, Android, and Windows. Also comes with a browser version! Also very much not free.
- Tor Browser - Privacy-focused web browser that ecrypts your traffic to defend against trackers and surveillance.
No, it isn't just used to access the "dark web" or whatever the kids call it these days.
- Obsidian - Note-taking software, also available on Android and iOS
- GifCam - Turn screen recordings into gifs!
- LightShot - Screenshotting tool for screenshotting selected areas and sharing your screenshots!
- F.lux - Monitor blue light filter, that makes your screen appear like sunlight during the day, and turns it warm at night
- Extensions (all run on Firefox- I don't know how many of these are also available on other browsers, sorry!!)
- AdNauseam - Prevents tracking by quietly autoclicking on any advertisement
- Blue Blocker - Auto-blocks Twitter Blue users
- Colorzilla - Eyedropper, colour picker, analyzer, and gradient generator for your browser. The eye dropper lets you pick colours off of your current active tab!
- Cookie Autodelete - Autodeletes cookies once a tab is closed
- I Still Don't Care About Cookies - Forked off from the extension by Avast, gets rid of all cookie warnings from websites
- Image Search Option - Reverse image search tool that provides various options for image search engines
- mineBlock - Blocks Javascript miners
- Old Tweetdeck - Returns Old Tweetdeck for free
- Old Twitter - Completely replaces Twitter with it's 2015 layout
- Open Subtitles - Adds subtitles to any HTML5 video
- Privacy Possum - A fork of Privacy Badger due to its' lackluster privacy- Messes with common tracking methods by reducing and falsifying gathered data
- Read Aloud - Text-to-speech voice reader that reads the current web-page
- Return YouTube Dislike - Brings back the dislike button on YouTube
- Shinigami Eyes - Detects and identifies transphobic and trans-friendly users respectively
- SponsorBlock - Detects and skips sponsored segments on YouTube videos
- Substital - Subtitle search engine and manager
- TrackMeNot - Obfuscates your search profile by issuing randomized queries to common search-engines.
- uBlock Origin - Open source ad blocker
- YouTube Search Fixer - Removes distraction search results and redirects shorts back to the Legacy page
Other resources
🌟 = Personal recommendations
General technology
- /r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH Wiki - The Reddit wiki page that will tell you how to get free media 🌟
- /r/Piracy Megathread - A megathread of everything you need to know about piracy 🌟
- Igglybuff @ GitHub: Awesome Piracy - Another good resource on piracy
- Easy USSR: How to Pirate - Torrenting guide for piracy
- PhotoPea - A free to use browser version of Photoshop!
- GreasyFork - A repository of browser userscripts 🌟
- ViolentMonkey - You'll need a manager in order to use userscripts! Here's one that's open source! 🌟
- DuckDuckGo - Privacy-focused search engine 🌟
- IndieWeb Search - "Search web sites published by members of the IndieWeb community and related sites"
- GoofBid - Search for misspellings on Ebay listings!
- Restore Privacy: VPN Tests - Methods of checking if your VPN is working, updated annually
- Geocities.ws - An archive of old Geocities websites
- 8mb video - Compress videos to fit Discord's file size limits 🌟
- PasteBoard @ Tumblr: YouTube uBlock Commands - Circumvent YouTube's new anti-adblock policy
- Alternative social media, blogging & forums
- Status Cafe - Small status updater with customizable profiles, it's where the statuses on my website come from! 🌟
- iMood - Mood tracker 🌟
- Bear Blog - "No-nonsense, super-fast" blogging platform with no Javascript, stylesheets or trackers
- PicLog - A platform for sharing (highly compressed) JPEG images, including customizable profiles and a site widget
- SpaceHey - MySpace recreation
- Proton.me - Privacy-focused email, calendar, and drive service
- pCloud - Secure and simple cloud file storage, with 10GB of free storage upon sign-up
- Mastodon - Decentralized, open source, add-free and interoperable social media platform
- Wikifur: Mastodon - Provides a list of current furry-related instances on the Mastodon platform- categorized based on the number of users, instance focus or theme, and registration requirements
Disability and health
- Coping With Trauma Related Dissociation - A PDF of the training manual for patients of complex trauma with dissociative disorders, by Suzette Boon, Kathy Steele and Onno van der Hart 🌟
- Mind The Gap - A PDF of medical information and imagery showing how different physical conditions can appear in black and brown skin 🌟
- Healing The Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors - A PDF of the book by the same name, by Janina Fisher
- The Haunted Self - A PDF of the book of the same name, by Onno van de Hart, Ellert R. S. Nijenhuis, and Kathy Steele
- The Body Keeps The Score - A PDF of a very heavy book of the same name, by Bessel van de Kolk (keep in mind the criticisms made towards this book and the author)
- Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving - A PDF of a book that provides comprehensive resources for those with childhood trauma, by Pete Walker
- GetSelfHelp - Free printable CBT worksheets
- Dysautonomia International - The leading organization in research and awareness for autonomic nervous system diseases 🌟
- Hypermobility Syndromes Association - An organization dedicated to providing hypermobile people and professionals who work with them in the form of validation, support, education and self-management
- The Zebra Network - A network providing awareness, education, advocacy and support for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome patients.
- Beauty After Bruises - A resource directory for survivors of childhood trauma
- Stay Up Late - A UK-based charity that believes that all people with learning (intellectual) and developmental disabilities should be able to lead full and active social lives, challenging the inflexible support systems that prevent people with I/DD from staying up late 🌟
- Quackwatch - Information on medical fraud and quackery and how to spot it 🌟
- Practical Pain Management - Evidence-based strategies for chronic pain 🌟
- Pain Science - Fact-checking science about chronic pain 🌟
- Disability & Philanthrophy Forum: Intersections Between Racism and Ableism - Resources that offer insight and better understanding of the strong connections between racism and ableism 🌟
- AAC Apps - A Google Spreadsheets document listing and comparing many of the well-known AAC apps
- Drugs.com: Drug Interactions - Find out what the drugs your taking interact with and how
- Buyee - A Japanese proxy service that allows you to shop for international items and have them shipped to you. I really only use this for the ability to save searches and have alerts emailed to you, otherwise I think they're a bit expensive to use. 🌟
- ZenMarket & DeJapan - My personal Japanese proxy services of choice when it comes to buying/bidding on items 🌟
- ShopPalestine - Online store for Palestinian-made products
- Hirbawi Kufiya - The last kufiya factory in Palestine
- Media Bias / Fact Check - Check how biased and reliable a source of information or reporting is.
- Disinformation Hygiene - Methods for checking in with your critical thinking skills when it comes to disinformation on the internet