09/23/24 - Goldmine of DVDs

If you didn't get to read my newest journal entry- I got shingles! And I've been stuck at home for the past 2 weeks, so I was very excited when I got to start going thrifting again. I actually went once just after getting off my antivirals, but I decided to go thrifting again this month after realizing that one of my last thrifted items - a Blue's Clue's VHS tape - wasn't actually a Blue Clue's VHS tape, but actually a Teletubbies one. I was so pissed about this that I decided I wanted to find other VHS tapes. I didn't find what I wanted, but I found a whole lot of other stuff in it's place- DVD's and an original Railway Series book!

DVD cases of My Little Pony, Thomas The Tank Engine, and Blue's Clues
Thomas The Tank Engine book

For those who don't know, I very much consider myself to be a kid-at-heart or 'kidult'- I love kid's media and toys, and this interest has not wavered even after I became a legal adult. I think the only thing stopping more adults from enjoying kid's media is just themselves and their perceptions of how much other people care, when really, most people couldn't care less, and those who do aren't people you should be listened to in the first place. Rant aside...

I was very surprised to have found as many DVDs as I did today, because usually I just find maybe one or two DVDs that interest me, but today was much different. Plus, since I didn't end up finding much else of interest in the other departments of the thrift stores I went to, so I was able to justify my purchases better. They were stacked by the way, and I was able to get two My Little Pony DVDs from two different generations, a Thomas The Tank Engine DVD, three Blue's Clues, and a very elusive Felix The Cat compilation DVD that's branded as "Cartoon Craze." I've never seen these before, but they had multiple of them there, and they were written in beautiful Comic Sans, which tells me that these are very much not official. Still, I'm excited to see what each of these DVDs have to offer.

Then, easily one of the more interesting thrift finds I've had this year, a compilation book of original Railway Series stories by Rev W. Awdry. I'm a pretty avid Thomas fan, and that includes The Railway Series as well, and I always wanted to own some of the original books. This isn't that, but it's pretty damn close! I'm very happy to have found this book, and in such great condition too. Now I can have a whole compilation of original RWS stories at my disposal whenever I want! The inside of the book is divided up into sections, with each section pertaining to one of the original 6 engines living at Tidmouth Sheds.

Even with my great finds on this day, I'm still on the hunt for some thrifted VHS tapes of some of my favourite kid's media, so I'm sure I'll be going out and seeing what more I can track down before the end of the month.

03/20/24 - A Nostalgia-Filled Haul

Picture showing a Tiger Electronics orange striped Meow-chi, a My Little Pony Rainbow Dash piggy bank, a CD of Massive Attack's album 'Protection,' a Club Penguin plush of a blue penguin dressed as a white chocolate bunny, and two Toopy and Binoo DVDs

What a good thrift run this was!! I ended up going to three thrift stores to get these items, and while my last stop turned up nothing, I'm still very happy with what I was able to find at the other two thrift stores. Luck was certainly on my side today!

For this haul, I decided to do something a little different- I decided I would check out other sections of the thrift stores I went to, rather than just checking the toys section for once. My main collection is my toy collection, so that's naturally what I gravitate towards anytime I'm out thrifting, but lately I've been wanting to try and find some other things that are keen interests of mine, like CDs and DVDs, and I'm glad that my first attempt at finding some stuff in these sections didn't lead to me turning up empty-handed!

First up we have the Tiger Electronics Meow-Chi, which is something that I've been wanting for ages now, so I'm finally happy to have one! I actually have yet to test it out using batteries, but even if he doesn't end up working, I'm still happy to have him in my collection. Next we have the Club Penguin plush, which brought back so many memories of me being obsessed with collecting everything Club Penguin related that I could find as a young autistic child with a huge special interest- I unfortunately ended up giving away nearly all of my collection sometime in the past, so I've been wanting to start rebuilding it ever since for nostalgia reasons, but never had any luck with finding anything until now. What a cutie this guy is, and a perfect find that happened just before Easter this year! Then we have the outlier of the haul, the Massive Attack CD. I haven't been a fan of Massive Attack for very long, but they've easily become one of my favourite bands of all time, so I'm very happy to have some physical media from them in my possession. The case is a little cracked unfortunately, but maybe one day I'll end up replacing it soon. I also have yet to test it to check for any errors in the way it plays, but you can't go wrong with a $2 CD. Finally, we have the two Toopy and Binoo DVDs. People who didn't grow up in Canada probably have no idea what this show is or have even heard of it before, but for me it was a big childhood favourite, so I'm very happy that I can have some DVDs in my collection to reminisce on. I'll just need to get myself a laserdisk adapter for my computer sometime to watch them, because unfortunately the standard nowadays is to build computers and laptops without one.

Rainbow Dash piggy bank

If you have a keen eye, then you'll notice that I left out an item in my description- that's because I've spent a bit more time cleaning this one up and wanted to go into more detail about it. That item being my new (old) Rainbow Dash piggy bank! After just having met my partner, we had a discussion about future plans to meet up, and we both thought that it'd be cute if we both got piggy banks that we could keep some money in for our future meet-ups! Since then, I've been on the hunt for a cute piggy bank that I could put some extra change in, and almost went online to find one, though reluctantly, since I'd hate to spend all this money on one only for it to get shattered in shipping, because I know that Canada Post isn't delicate with anything they handle... But luckily I didn't have to worry about that, because I ended up finding Rainbow Dash on that fateful day! There she was on the shelf, sitting perfectly in view, almost as if she was meant to come home with me...

The only thing was, she was pretty dirty when I brought her home, and she had this ripped up Princess Celestia sticker plasted on her. It wasn't anything that I couldn't clean up myself though!

Rainbow Dash piggy bank from the front
Rainbow Dash piggy bank, back angle
Rainbow Dash piggy bank, back angle

All of her cleanup was possible thanks to the magic of isopropyl alcohol! The sticker thankfully came off with a lot of hand sanitizer and a little bit of elbow grease to get the stickiness off of her, but now it's like it was never there to begin with! She also had some dirty spots that had to be cleaned up a little, but those came off perfectly fine, and now she looks almost as good as new! Save for some chipping on the tips of her ears, but I can't complain when I got to restore this gal to nearly prisitine condition for under $10.

I think I'm still riding off the high of this thrift haul, because now I just want to go out and see what other goodies I can find and maybe top how good this thrift haul was! In retrospect, I think thrifting is a bit of a dangerous hobby of mine when I know how much adrenaline I can get from just one good thrift haul that'll drive me to check my local thrift stores even more and drain my wallet further, even if it's slow and painful...

10/16/23 - Beanie Buddy bonanza

Scorch Beanie Buddy

Looks like somebody dumped their entire Beanie Buddy collection off at Value Village today, so I picked up this lovely and adorable Scorch plush before heading to an appointment. I've never seen a Beanie Buddy or Ty Pillow Pal in real life until now, so this was pretty exciting! I remember there being a ton of others there too- Snort the bull, Rusty the raccoon, and an untagged black and white cat (maybe Boots without his bow?) were just some of the few I remember seeing at the thrift store today. Also included in my thrift haul are a pair of black Build-a-Bear boots that I'll have to find someone to put them on! I think maybe my lumberjack werewolf Roscoe would fit nicely in them...

Also, first entry of my thrift log!! I hope this will help motivate me to go out thrifting more often, especially in the winter where I tend to hide away in my room for the entire season. It's not good for me to be that way, I thrive by going out and doing things, so I hope that this page can encourage me to go out and do more over the winter.